Complaints can be submitted to the Lancaster City Police Bureau 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Lancaster City Bureau of Police is committed to providing outstanding service and protecting the community we serve. If you feel that you may have been the subject of police misconduct, we would like to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.
First, please bring the issue to the attention of the on-duty Desk Sergeant (available 24/7 at the front desk of the police station) who may resolve it, or they will defer to a Street Sergeant or to the Officer In Charge (O. I. C.) to discuss the matter with you.
If a problem cannot be resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction by the chain of command, then the formal complaint procedure is available. The formal complaint procedure begins with the complainant filling out a Civilian Complaint Form.
Physical copies of the Civilian Complaint Forms are also available at the front desk of the Lancaster City Police Station at 39 W. Chestnut St. Lancaster, PA 17603. Completed Civilian Complaint forms should be forwarded to the Office of Professional Standards or the Desk Sergeant.